Five Ideas for Getting Your First Job

Whether you have been busy with your education or a family, you may not have had a proper full time job before. If this is the case, you may not have the experience that many roles are looking for. Yet, it certainly isn’t impossible for you to find employment if this is something that you want to do; it is all about taking the right steps in order to achieve your goal.

To help you on your journey, here are five ideas for getting your first job. It is up to you to find out whether any of these work for you, but always stay hopeful and something will come along for you in time…

Do some work experience

The first thing you could do is to seek a temporary placement with a company. These internships should provide you with at least minimum wage, unless you are merely shadowing an employee for the day. There are also voluntary schemes you can join in order to find something that would give you hands-on experience in the field you want to get into. In the UK, voluntary positions will cover everything from admin tasks to building relationships with the elderly.

Improve your skills

If you know that your CV isn’t up to scratch, or has a lot of gaps in it, it might be time to improve your skill set. There are a number of ways to do this, whether you take a computer course or do a part-time degree. You find out more about Microsoft e-learning courses and what is on offer at your local universities by going online. You never know what you might find!

Tweak your CV

Of course, it is important to show off your CV to the best effect, so ensure that it does you justice. Potential employers should immediately get a sense of what you know and what you have done in the past. It is helpful for them if you clarify any gaps in employment through your cover letter, as they might discount you if they feel that the lack of information is suspicious. Have a look on the internet to find out how to improve your CV for the jobs you want to apply for.

Apply for many positions

Next, it will come time to applying for those full time jobs that you want to be considered for. That means you will need to dedicate many hours to filling out application forms, both online and offline. There are many places you can look for jobs such as websites, the local paper and on social media – don’t simply look in one place. Try and provide a custom cover letter for each role, describing why you would be the ideal candidate for them.

Brush up on your interview skills

When you get invited for an interview, try and continue your good work. The worst thing that can happen is you don’t get the job, but you can use that as a valuable life experience and learn from where you went wrong. Keep this in mind during your interview to ward off those pesky nerves. Talk about what you are passionate about, as well as your skills; never be afraid to say you don’t know something, as honesty is important.

Warm Regards Earl Miller

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