How To Design Your Office In A Way That Will Motivate Your Employees

Is your business workspace affecting your staff’s work productivity? Recent studies have shown that well considered and executed design choices can contribute to a happier, more motivated work environment, which is conducive to productivity.  A good layout, combined with appropriate design and furnishing choices, will also provide you with healthier staff. Who doesn’t want to go to work to a place where they feel more energetic and relaxed?

Things to Consider When Setting Your Office Design

There are many things to keep in mind when creating the design for your new business workplace. A combination of factors such as light, colour, and furniture choices will work wonders on your personnel’s morale and boost productivity.

Flexibility of Space

A good office design ensures full accommodation not only for your present employees but also keeps in mind functional needs for any future workers in that space. Make sure that your office allows for changes and is flexible enough to house any new additions and their particular needs. Leave room between work spots as space may be needed for new file cabinets, new drawers, or new and bigger desks.


When considering the good health of your employees, offering them a medical plan is not always the end of it. Preventing health issues related to long hours of work and stressful conditions is usually a cheaper and more efficient way to go. Nothing is worse when setting up a work environment for your new business than failing at the ergonomics aspect. The poor posture of your employees can lead to health problems like fatigue, eye strain, and headaches, not to mention the possibility of injury and accidents. In turn, promoting good posture will save you a lot on medical bills and provide a happier, more motivated work environment.

When shopping from a reliable office furniture provider, like One Stop Office Interiors, consider purchasing `height-adjustable chairs, well-adjusted monitors, trays for keyboards, and other similar ergonomic solutions. They will preserve the health of your personnel and keep your budget in check for a longer time.

Colour Choices

Choosing the right colour for your office design will always be a challenge for business owners. Some may prefer bright colours, imagining that these would lift the spirits and stimulate a cheerful environment. One thing to know about this is that shades such as yellow or orange can indeed stimulate, but only for short exposures. Being used in excess can cause irritability and fatigue in your workers. Choose wisely by focusing on more pastel-like colours and encourage an office layout that will eliminate clutter to allow the magic of colours to work on the morale of your employees.


Studies show that today’s workers spend 80%-90% of their waking hours in an indoor environment. Light in a room thus becomes essential for well-being, work motivation, and performance. Your office space should benefit from a leading combination of direct, natural light and artificial light. For a layered effect, combine these well. Make sure that your office space has enough natural daylight to start with and bring in controllable, dimmable lighting solutions. Do not rely only on ceiling fixtures: table and floor lamps will also be effective and will contribute the healthy illumination of your workspace.

Keep in mind that a good office design with the above factors in mind will stay efficient for years to come. It will always communicate a good message to your staff: that you not only care for their well-being but you embrace internal branding and a good working environment.

Warm Regards Earl Miller

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